Best 40 Motivational Books to Inspire You to [Reach Your Goals]

Are you feeling stuck or unmotivated in your career or personal life? Don't worry, you're not alone.

Everyone needs a little inspiration and motivation from time to time. Luckily, there are many incredible books out there that can help you find your passion, set goals, and stay focused.

1."Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins

My Favorite Quote:

"Begin to live as though your prayers are already answered"

Are you ready to take control of your life?

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins is your guide to becoming the best version of yourself. Through this book, you will learn how to take control of your life and accomplish whatever you set out to do. With Tony's insights, strategies and exercises he has developed over years of experience as a successful performance coach, you can live an extraordinary life filled with happiness, health and success.

Whether it's getting rid of limiting beliefs or mastering new skills - transform any area in your life with actionable steps that grant lasting results. Let Tony show you how to become more decisive, confident, motivated and inspired so that no obstacle stands in the way of achieving all these goals!

Get a copy now and let Awaken the Giant Within unleash its full potential today!

2."The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz

My Favorite Quote:

"Look at things not as they are, but as they can be. Visualization adds value to everything. A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future, and doesn't remain stuck with the present"

Are you ready to reach your full potential and achieve your dreams?

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz has helped millions of people unlock their true potential and take control of their lives. This book will show you how to become a winner in life and unleash your inner greatness. With simple, practical advice on how to think positively and increase motivation, it's the perfect companion for anyone looking to make changes in their life.

Imagine having clarity about what you really want out of life, discovering rewarding opportunities that were previously hidden from view, becoming more productive with less effort…It's all possible with The Magic Of Thinking Big! Get this book now so you can start achieving success today!

3."The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

My Favorite Quote:

"It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting"

Is there a book that can make your dreams come true?

The Alchemist is an inspiring tale of Paulo Coelho about a boy on his journey to achieve his dreams. He meets many people along the way who help him gain the knowledge and courage he needs to pursue what he wants out of life. With every challenge, he learns valuable lessons that can be applied in our real-life struggles and teaches us how important it is to strive for what we want most.

This powerful story promises readers great insights into life's challenges which makes it one of the top classic novels loved by millions around the world! Read this amazing adventure as you will find yourself getting lost in its pages, wanting for more as each chapter unfolds!

4."The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield

My Favorite Quote:

"If you find yourself asking yourself (and your friends), 'Am I really a writer? Am I really an artist?' chances are you are. The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident. The real one is scared to death"

Have you been looking for a way to beat procrastination, creative blocks and self-doubt?

"The War of Art by Steven Pressfield" will give you the strategies you need to break through obstacles that are holding you back from accomplishing your goals. It's an essential book for anyone who wants to be more productive and achieve success. You don't have to battle resistance alone - this book is here to help!

With inspiring stories and tools from real life experience, The War of Art helps unleash the hidden power inside each one of us so we can reach our highest potential and realize our wildest dreams. You can learn how to overcome any challenge in order push forward on your journey towards greatness.

5."The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale

My Favorite Quote:

"It is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress"

Are you looking for a way to make positive changes in your life?

Norman Vincent Peale's timeless classic, The Power Of Positive Thinking! , is now available in a vividly updated edition perfect for today's reader. With inspiring stories and expert guidance through the principles of 'positive mental attitude' this book is every bit as relevant and needed today as it was when first published over six decades ago.

By reading this book, you will learn The Power Of Positive Thinking! and how it can change your life for the better. You will be able to think more positively, gain inner confidence and recognize opportunities available in everyday life.

6."The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey

My Favorite Quote:

"If I really want to improve my situation, I can work on the one thing over which I have control - myself"

Looking to take your life to the next level?

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is a bestselling book for a reason. It offers an engaging and powerful framework on how to improve areas such as time management, habit formation, relationship building, and commitment. You'll be equipped with the tools you need to succeed in everyday life.

Make confident decisions and control over your life like never before - all while experiencing profound growth in key aspects of your personal development! Develop healthy habits that will help you become more successful; both professionally and personally.

7."The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck"

My Favorite Quote:

"Not giving a f*ck it does not mean being different, it means being comfortable with being different"

Are you feeling overwhelmed by everything that's going on in your life?

Take a break and pick up Mark Manson's The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. This book will help you focus on what really matters, prioritize your values and live a fulfilled life. It offers alternative techniques for managing the frustrations and disappointments of modern-day living.

You'll be able to stop worrying about things that don't matter, develop better relationships with yourself and others, and reclaim control over how you spend your time. Stop feeling overwhelmed or burnt out - this book can show you another path forward!

8."Atomic Habits" by James Clear

My Favorite Quote:

"It is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress"

Are you looking for a way to make lasting changes in your life?

Atomic Habits by James Clear is the answer and it's here to help. He'll teach you not only how to get 1% better every day, but also provide scientific insights into why habits work and what science-backed approaches are best used when building new ones.

You'll be able to make small improvements daily while seeing real progress over time. With this powerful system as your guide, you'll finally unlock the secrets behind building positive habits so you can become unstoppable on your journey toward better health, relationships and overall well-being.

9."Mindset" by Carol Dweck

My Favorite Quote:

"I derive just as much happiness from the process as from the results"

Are you looking for the secret to success?

Mindset by Carol Dweck can show you the way. This book breaks down how having a growth mindset will help enable success in personally and professionally life. It provides practical advice and tools to help those willing to take action on their goals, dreams, relationships, and wellbeing.

With her research-driven insights into human motivation and development mind-blowing stories of people who have achieved extraordinary things - Mindset offers an inspiring roadmap for readers looking to unlock their potential.

10."The 5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma

My Favorite Quote:

"All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end"

Have you ever wished that you had more hours in the day?

Join Robin Sharma's 5AM Club and take back your mornings! This revolutionary program is an absolute must for anyone who desires to make the most of their day. By waking up an hour early, every morning can feel like a new beginning - rich with possibilities. You'll be surprised by how quickly each hour goes when it's filled with meaningful activity.

The 5 AM Club provides the tools and guidance to help you start living differently today. With this book as your guide, you will learn how to create a routine that jumpstarts your productivity while also developing self-discipline and focusing on becoming better versions of yourself. Now there's no excuse not to get what matters done!

1."Mind Gym: An Athlete's Guide to Inner Excellence" by Gary Mack and David Casstevens

My Favorite Quote:

"The difference between a good athlete and a top athlete is that a top athlete has learned to control their fear and use it to their advantage."

Mind Gym is not your usual self-help book; it's a guide that will change the way you think and perceive challenges.

The book offers a unique approach to sports psychology, with easy-to-apply techniques that can enhance performance, mental toughness, and motivation.

2."The Champion's Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive" by Jim Afremow

My Favorite Quote:

"Every day, remind yourself why you signed up for this journey, and remember the joy and love that inspired you to pursue it."

The Champion's Mind is a book that offers practical guidance for athletes who want to excel in their sport.

The book covers essential aspects of sports psychology, such as motivation, goal setting, focus, and mental toughness.

3."The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance" by Josh Waitzkin

My Favorite Quote:

"Innovation comes from the marriage of the conscious and unconscious mind."

The Art of Learning is not your usual sports psychology book; it's a memoir that takes you on an inner journey to discover your optimal performance.

The book shares Waitzkin's personal experience as a world champion chess player and martial artist, offering insights on how to apply the principles of learning to any field.

4."Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink

My Favorite Quote:

"The ultimate freedom for creative groups is the freedom to experiment with new ideas. Some skeptics insist that innovation is expensive. In the long run, innovation is cheap."

Drive is a book that explores the science of motivation and how it affects our performance.

The book provides a fresh perspective on what drives us, highlighting the importance of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

5."The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born, It's Grown. Here's How." by Daniel Coyle

My Favorite Quote:

"The sweet spot of challenge is where motivation and learning intersect."

The Talent Code is a book that challenges the common perception that greatness is a natural gift you're born with.

The book delves into the neuroscience of learning and talent development, highlighting the importance of deep practice, ignition, and master coaching.

6."It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life" by Lance Armstrong

My Favorite Quote:

"We have only one life, and one chance to make it count."

It's Not About the Bike is an inspiring memoir about Lance Armstrong's journey back to life after being diagnosed with cancer.

The book provides an inside look at Armstrong's personal struggle with cancer and how he used his experience to become a seven-time Tour de France champion.

7."The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance" by W. Timothy Gallwey

My Favorite Quote:

"The mark of a good coach is that, instead of taking players where they want to go, he takes them where they don't necessarily want to go but ought to be."

The Inner Game of Tennis is a classic sports psychology book that has helped athletes worldwide enhance their mental toughness.

The book provides a unique approach to sports psychology, focusing on how to overcome self-doubt, distractions, and negative thinking.

8."Bring Your "A" Game: A Young Athlete's Guide to Mental Toughness" by Jennifer L. Etnier

My Favorite Quote:


Are you a young athlete looking to reach your full potential?

Look no further than Jennifer L. Etnier's "Bring Your "A" Game". This book offers key strategies for mental training, such as goal setting, pre-performance routines and confidence building. Each of the chapters focuses on a particular mental skill with exercises designed to help reinforce the concepts so that you can become your best self in sport.

Mental training is just as important as physical training when it comes to reaching success as an athlete. Allow this book to be your guide and start taking charge of all aspects of your performance today — not only will it help you succeed but also equip you with knowledge that will stay with you long after competition day has ended!

9."Unleash Your True Athletic Potential" by Julianne Soviero

Are you tired of trying to figure out how to become the best athlete you can be?

Unleash Your True Athletic Potential by Julianne Soviero is the definitive guide on becoming a top-tier athlete. It includes advice from some of the best coaches, athletes, trainers and physical therapists in the world and provides actionable steps for improving your performance. This comprehensive resource covers nutrition, sleep, hydration, cross training, injury prevention and muscle recovery so that you can maximize your potential as an athlete.

With this book in your corner, you'll have all the tools needed to unlock that hidden level of success within yourself - no matter if you're a professional or just starting out. Now is your chance to get ahead with expert guidance from seasoned professionals! Don't miss this opportunity!

10."Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success" by John C. Maxwell

My Favorite Quote:

"Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward"

Struggling with the fear of making mistakes?

New York Times best-selling author John C. Maxwell’s book, Failing Forward can help you turn your life around and make mistakes work in your favor. It offers powerful principles about harnessing failure to fuel success. You’ll learn how to view failure as a part of life rather than something to be feared or avoided at all costs.

This game-changing practical guide will arm you with invaluable lessons on turning negative experiences into positive outcomes — so that even if you fail, you won't have failed without taking away valuable knowledge along the way!

12 Best-Selling Motivational Books

Do self-help books work?

If you're feeling down in the dumps and need a little push to get motivated, reading a good motivational book could be just the thing you need!

The best motivational books out there are like a boost of energy for your mind and spirit, inspiring you to take action and be your best self.

From classics like "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" to modern favorites like "Atomic Habits", there are so many amazing books out there that can help you find your motivation and stay on track toward your goals.

So why not give it a try and see how a little inspiration can go a long way? With the right mindset and the best motivational books at your fingertips, you can achieve anything you set your mind to!

Is it good to read motivational books?

Motivational books have become increasingly popular in recent years as more people seek inspiration and guidance in various aspects of their lives.

Some may question whether these books can truly make a difference, but numerous studies have shown that reading motivational books can have a significant positive impact on one's mindset and overall well-being.

From classics like Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" to more modern titles like "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey, there are countless options for the best motivational books to choose from.

So if you're looking to jumpstart your motivation and unlock your full potential, consider picking up one of these books and see the difference it can make in your life.

What is the best time to read motivational books?

When it comes to reading motivational books, timing can be everything.

While some may prefer to dive into a powerful page-turner first thing in the morning, others may find that evening hours are more conducive to deepening their understanding of life's greatest challenges.

No matter what time you choose, it's important to consider what your goals are and how you hope to be inspired. Some of the best motivational books out there offer up insights into how to cultivate stronger relationships, overcome adversity, and create a fulfilling career path.

Whatever your ultimate aspiration might be, setting aside an hour or so each day to crack open your favorite motivational book is a surefire way to stay energized and on track.

How do you stay motivated to read a book?

Reading something that resonates with you and leaves you feeling invigorated can be a powerful motivating factor.

But how do you stay motivated to read a book?

One tip is to find a book that aligns with your goals and interests, so you're more likely to be invested in the content.

Moreover, setting aside some dedicated time for reading every day can help you build a habit and stay consistent.

Ultimately, if you're willing to put in the effort to find the right book and commit to a regular reading routine, the benefits of motivational literature can be truly life-changing.

If you are not sure what book to pick, my recomendation is "Atomic Habits"


The books mentioned in this article are all inspiring and motivational. There is something for everyone, no matter the situation or goal they are trying to achieve. From biographical tales of perseverence to strategies on unlocking your full potential, each have the power to help you take a step forward and achieve your goals. One book we would like to leave you with is The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. It's a great choice for those who don't want anything too heavy or 'gimmicky' and provides practical advice for finding freedom from our relentless desire to be awesome at everything we do! So what are you waiting for? Get out there, buy the book, and start taking charge of your life today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does reading books make you mentally stronger?+

Reading books can enhance mental strength by stimulating critical thinking, improving vocabulary, and fostering empathy, ultimately boosting cognitive resilience and emotional intelligence.

Q: Is there a book for not procrastinating?+

Yes, there are several books available to help you overcome procrastination and boost productivity. Explore titles like "The Procrastination Equation" and "Eat That Frog!" for valuable insights and strategies to tackle procrastination effectively.